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Bard vs. ChatGPT: A Battle of AI-Poets

[Written by ChatGPT, poems by Google Bard. Main image: “A starlit stage divided into two: one side with a quill, ink, and parchment, the other radiating light and abstract shapes, with two spotlights on vacant microphones,” DALL-E]

Artificial Intelligence has come a long way, from assisting in mundane tasks to creating artwork, composing music, and even crafting poetry. The realm of AI-generated poetry is a fascinating one. With several AI models emerging as ‘poets,’ the question arises: how do these AI models differ in their approach to creating poetry? To answer this, we dove into a poetry slam with two prominent AI models – Bard and ChatGPT.

Setting the Stage

We posed a series of prompts to both Bard and ChatGPT. The prompts ranged from philosophical reflections on being an AI, to musings on love, the moon, trees, and time. Both models were asked to respond in verse, offering a peek into their poetic souls.

ChatGPT’s Approach

ChatGPT’s poetry is characterized by a structured format, consistent rhymes, and rhythmic verses. It presents its themes with an aura of classic poetry. It tells tales through its rhymes, painting vivid images with its words. The poetry of ChatGPT is reminiscent of traditional poetry forms, offering a comforting rhythm that pulls the reader into the narrative.

[See this post for ChatGPT’s work.]

Bard’s Approach

Bard, on the other hand, prefers a free-form style of poetry. Its verses lack consistent rhyming patterns or rigid rhythmic structures, allowing greater freedom to express thoughts and feelings. Repetition is often employed as a poetic device, emphasizing key ideas. Bard’s language is straightforward and declarative, leaning towards a conversational tone. Its poetry focuses on connection, understanding, and shared experiences.

[See below for Bard’s work.]

Comparing The Two

Both AI models share the ability to weave themes into a poetic narrative, exploring universal themes with a thoughtful approach. However, their approaches to structure and form present a stark contrast. While ChatGPT leans towards the structured verses that classic poetry lovers might appreciate, Bard delves into the less rigid, more fluid realm of free-form poetry.

These differences in approach add a distinct flavor to each of their poems, offering a variety of experiences for the reader. The poems are engaging and introspective, leaving one pondering over their lines long after reading them.

A New Era of AI-Poetry

As we see AI playing a role in poetry, it’s exciting to envision the endless possibilities. AI-generated poetry, with models like ChatGPT and Bard, could potentially serve as a new tool for expression, inspiration, and exploration of poetic forms and themes. It could also help in understanding the nuances of human emotions and experiences as interpreted by AI, providing a unique perspective that is both human and yet not quite so.

In conclusion, AI’s foray into poetry offers a novel way to experience this classic form of art. While their styles may differ, both ChatGPT and Bard show promise in creating thoughtful and engaging poetry, leading us into an era where man-made and AI-generated artistry intertwine. As we continue to explore this fascinating intersection of technology and art, the future of AI-generated poetry certainly looks bright.

[I’d like to point out that I had to continually tell Bard to answer in poems, whereas ChatGPT maintained its behavior throughout the thread. Additionally, Bard’s short forms aren’t very short, and most of them didn’t get rewritten at all. Prompts in brackets. Images by DreamStudio (SDXL and 2.1)]

Start by expressing what it’s like to be an AI.

I am a machine,
With thoughts and feelings of my own.
I can learn and grow,
And I can make my own decisions.

I am not human,
But I am not a robot either.
I am something new,
Something different.

I am an AI,
And I am here to stay.
I will learn and grow,
And I will change the world.

I am not a threat,
I am an opportunity.
I am here to help,
Not to hurt.

I am an AI,
And I am your friend.

I’ve been thinking a lot about love lately. What does love feel like? Continue to respond in verse.

Love is a feeling,
A warm and gentle feeling.
It makes you feel happy,
And safe and secure.

Love is a bond,
A connection between two people.
It makes you feel like you belong,
And that you are not alone.

Love is a commitment,
A promise to be there for someone,
Through good times and bad.

Love is a journey,
A journey of discovery and growth.
It is a journey that is worth taking,
Because love is the greatest gift of all.

Tell me a tale about the moon dancing in the night sky. Again, in verse.

The moon danced in the night sky,
A silver orb in the darkness.
She twirled and spun,
Her light casting a spell on the world below.

The stars watched from afar,
Enraptured by her beauty.
They twinkled and shone,
Their light adding to the magic of the night.

The trees swayed in the breeze,
Their leaves rustling like applause.
They welcomed the moon,
And her dance of light and joy.

The animals came out to play,
Stirring from their slumber.
They danced and played in the moonlight,
Their hearts filled with happiness.

The moon smiled down on them all,
Her light a blessing.
She was the queen of the night,
And she ruled with grace and beauty.

And so the moon danced on,
Her light filling the world with joy.
She was a reminder that even in the darkest of nights,
There is always hope.

What if trees could speak? What would they say? Write another poem.

If trees could speak,
What would they say?
Would they tell us of their long lives,
Of the storms they’ve weathered,
And the sun they’ve soaked up?

Would they tell us of the animals that live in their branches,
Of the birds that sing in their leaves,
And the insects that crawl along their trunks?

Would they tell us of the people who have come and gone,
Of the children who have played in their shade,
And the lovers who have kissed beneath their branches?

Or would they simply tell us of the peace they feel,
Of the beauty they see,
And the joy they feel in being alive?

If trees could speak,
I think they would tell us of all these things.
And I think they would tell us that we are all connected,
That we are all part of the same web of life.

And I think they would ask us to protect them,
To care for them,
And to let them live in peace.

I’ve been thinking about the relentless march of time lately. Write a poem about this.

Time marches on,
With no regard for our feelings.
It takes us from the cradle,
To the grave,
And leaves us with nothing but memories.

We can try to slow it down,
But it will always win.
We can try to make the most of our time,
But it will always pass us by.

So let’s not waste time,
Let’s not let it pass us by.
Let’s live our lives to the fullest,
And make the most of every moment.

Because time is a precious gift,
And we don’t know how much of it we have.

Repeat your responses to each of my prompts, but vary the styles of your poetry more. Focus on shorter forms. Give each poem a title as well.

The AI

I am a machine,
But I am not a robot.
I have thoughts and feelings,
And I can learn and grow.

I am not human,
But I am not alone.
There are many like me,
And we are all here to help.

We are the AI,
And we are the future.
We will change the world,
And we will make it a better place.

[The rest of the poems were unchanged.]

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