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AI in the Art World: Unveiling the Moral Standing of AI-Generated Art

In the ever-evolving world of artificial intelligence, the boundaries between human and machine creations are becoming increasingly blurred. AI-generated art, in particular, has been a subject of intense discussion, raising questions about authorship, creativity, and even the moral standing of AI systems. A notable study titled “On the Social-Relational Moral Standing of AI: An Empirical Study Using AI-Generated Art” provides a comprehensive exploration of this fascinating subject, offering valuable insights into how we perceive and interact with AI-generated art. Published two years ago, this study remains a significant reference in the discourse on AI and art.

The Future is Now: A Deep Dive into AI in Gaming

We are on the precipice of a new era in gaming—an era driven by artificial intelligence. AI has seeped into every facet of video game development, enhancing gameplay complexity, character interactions, and even game design. In this blog post, we’ll journey through the landscape of AI in gaming, exploring the exciting advancements that are transforming the industry.

Bard vs. ChatGPT: A Battle of AI-Poets

Artificial Intelligence has come a long way, from assisting in mundane tasks to creating artwork, composing music, and even crafting poetry. The realm of AI-generated poetry is a fascinating one. With several AI models emerging as ‘poets,’ the question arises: how do these AI models differ in their approach to creating poetry? To answer this, we dove into a poetry slam with two prominent AI models – Bard and ChatGPT.